Eremithallales » Melaspileaceae » Encephalographa

Encephalographa cerebrina

Encephalographa cerebrina (DC.) A. Massal., Miscell. Lichenol.: 49 (1856).

            Index Fungorum number: IF 384599; Facesoffungi number: FoF11923, Fig. 1

Description: see Renobales and Aguirre (1990); Ertz and Diederich (2015).

Material considered: see Renobales and Aguirre (1990); Ertz and Diederich (2015).

Fig. 1 Appearance of lirelliform ascomata of Encephalographa elisae (France, Vaucluse, Sérusiuaux s.n. LG, re-illustrated from Fig. 3N in Ertz and Diederich 2015).

Importance and distribution

There are seven Encephalographa epithets in Index Fungorum (2022) but four species have been transferred to Melaspilea, Opegrapha and Poeltinula. Encephalographa comprises only three species. E. anthracothecii is known on thallus and ascomata of Anthracothecium australiense (Pyrenulaceae) and other unknown host in Europe (Croatia, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Southern France) and Papua New Guinea (Bricaud and Roux 1991). Renobales and Aguirre (1990) reported that members of Encephalographa is non-lichenized, rather lichenicolous on Acrocordia and Bagliettoa species on hard limestone. Tretiach and Modenesi (1999) reported that Encephalographa is non-lichenicolous which was confirmed by Roux et al. (2014).



Boehm E, Mugambi G, Miller A, Huhndorf S, Marincowitz S, Spatafora J. 2009 – A class–wide phylogenetic assessment of Dothideomycetes. Studies in Mycology 64, 1–15S10.

Bricaud O, Roux C. 1991 – L’Encephalographetum elisae Bricaud et Roux ass. nov., une association lichénique saxicolecalcicole, sciaphile.  Le Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Provence 42, 131.

Ertz D, Diederich P. 2015 – Dismantling Melaspileaceae: a first phylogenetic study of Buelliella, Hemigrapha, Karschia, Labrocarpon and Melaspilea. Fungal Diversity 71, 141–164.

Renobales G, Aguirre B. 1990 – The nomenclature and systematic position of the genus Encephalographa. Systema Ascomycetum 8, 87–92.

Roux C, Monnat, JY, Gonnet DO, Poumarat S et al. 2014 – Catalogue des lichens et champignons lichénicoles de France métropolitaine. Henry des Abbayes, Fougères, 1525 pp.

Tretiach M, Modenesi P. 1999 – Critical notes on the lichen genus Encephalographa A. Massal. (?Hysteriaceae). Nova Hedwigia 68, 527–544.


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