Goosia melastomatis
Goosia melastomatis B. Song, Mycotaxon 87: 413 (2003).
Index Fungorum number: IF 489048; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12084, Fig. 1
Description: see Song (2003).
Material examined: see Song (2003).
Fig. 1 Goosia melastomatis (re-drawn from Song et al. 2003). a–c Hyphae with appressoria and ascomata. d Ascus. e Ascospores. f, g Hyphae with appressoria and phialides. h Conidia. Scale bars = 25 µm.
Importance and distribution
Goosia comprises only one species known on leaves of Melastoma normale (Melastomataceae) in Asia (China (Hainan)).
Bin S. 2003 – Goosia, a new genus of Englerulaceae. Mycotaxon 87, 413–415.
Saccardo PA. 1925–1928 – Sylloge Fungorum XXIV, 542.
Song B. 2003 – Goosia, a new genus of Englerulaceae. Mycotaxon 87, 413–415.
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