Spissiomyces aggregatus
Spissiomyces aggregatus Lei Su, Li Y. Guo & Xing Z. Liu, Mycologia 107(4): 838 (2015).
Index Fungorum number: IF 807032; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12487, Fig. 1
Description: see Su et al. (2015).
Material considered: see Su et al. (2015).
Fig. 1 Spissiomyces aggregatus (CGMCC 3.17072, re-drawn from Fig. 3 in Su et al. 2015). a Colony morphology on MEA. b Aggregated hyphae growing meristematically. c Torulose hyphae and swollen cell. Scale bars = 10 μm.
Importance and distribution
Spissiomyces comprises two species isolated from granite and limestone from Asia (China and Tibet).
Su L, Guo L, Hao Y, Xiang M, Cai L, Liu X. 2015 – Rupestriomyces and Spissiomyces two new genera of rock-inhabiting fungi from China. Mycologia 107, 831–844.
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