Zwackhiomacromyces constrictocarpus
Zwackhiomacromyces constrictocarpus Etayo & van den Boom, Opuscula Philolichenum 13: 72 (2014).
Index Fungorum number: IF 803964; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11917, Fig. 1
Description: see Etayo and van den Boom (2014).
Material considered: see Etayo and van den Boom (2014).
Fig. 1 Zwackhiomacromyces constrictocarpus (BCN! holotype, re-drawn from Fig. 3 in van den Boom and Etayo 2014). a Perithecia. b Pseudothecial wall. c pseudoparaphyses. d Ascus tip. e, f Ascospores. Scale bars: a = 0.1 mm, b, c = 5 μm, d–f = 10 μm.
Importance and distribution
Zwackhiomacromyces comprises only two species known on thallus of Megalospora verrucosa (Megalosporaceae) in Europe (Spain) and on Placopsis gelida (Trapeliaceae) in Europe (Greenland).
Berger F, Zimmermann E. 2016 – Addition to the lichen flora of Madeira with special focus on lichenicolous fungi. Herzogia 29, 235–276.
Navarro-Rosinés P, Roux C 1996 – Le Clauzadella gordensis gen. et sp. nov., ascomycète lichénicole non lichénisé (Verrucariales, Verrucariaceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 74, 1533–1538.
van den Boom P, Etayo J. 2014 – New records of lichenicolous fungi and lichenicolous lichens from the Iberian Peninsula, with the description of four new species and one new genus. Opuscula Philolichenum 13, 44–79.
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