Capnodiales » Teratosphaeriaceae » Bryochiton

Bryochiton monascus

Bryochiton monascus Döbbeler & Poelt, Mitt. bot. StSamml., Münch. 14: 218 (1978).

 Index Fungorum number: IF 309958; Facesoffungi number: FoF 03181, Fig. 1

 Description: see Hyde et al. (2017).

 Material examined: see Hyde et al. (2017).

Figure 1. Bryochiton monascus (GZU, holotype) a, b Herbarium label and specimen. c Section of ascoma. d Peridium. e Close up of squash mount of ascoma with setae. h−j Asci. k−o Ascospores. Scale bars: c = 200 µm, d, hj = 20 e, g = 10 µm, f = 30 µm.

Importance and distribution

Bryochiton comprises five species known on five host plants within Grimmiaceae, Gymnomitriaceae, Polytrichaceae and Ptilidiaceae. They are known from Europe (Austria, Sweden) and South America (Peru).



Hongsanan S, Hyde KD, Phookamsak R, Wanasinghe DN et al. 2020a – Refined families of Dothideomycetes: Dothideomycetidae and Pleosporomycetidae. Mycosphere 11,1553–2107.

Hyde KD, Norphanphoun C, Abreu VP, Bazzicalupo A et al. 2017 – Fungal diversity notes 603–708: Taxonomic and phylogenetic notes on genera and species. Fungal Diversity 87, 1–235.

Lumbsch HT, Huhndorf SM. 2007 – Outline of ascomycota–2007. Myconet 13, 1–58.

Scott JA, Ewaze JO, Summerbell RC, Arocha-Rosete Y et al. 2016 – Multilocus DNA sequencing of the whiskey fungus reveals a continental-scale speciation pattern. Persoonia 37, 13–20.

Scott JA, Untereiner WA, Ewaze JO, Wong B, Doyle D. 2007 – Baudoinia, a new genus to accommodate Torula compniacensis. Mycologia 99, 592601

Stenroos S, Laukka T, Huhtinen S, Döbbeler P, Myllys L, Syrjänen K, Hyvönen J. 2010 Multiple origins of symbioses between ascomycetes and bryophytes suggested by a five-gene phylogeny. Cladistics 26, 281–300.

Wäli PP, Huhtinen S, Pino-Bodas R, Stenroos S. 2014 Three common bryophilous fungi with meristematic anamorphs and phylogenetic alliance to Teratosphaeriaceae, Capnodiales. Fungal Biology 118, 956–69.


About Dothideomycetes

The website provides an up-to-date classification and account of all genera of the class Dothideomycetes.

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