Bryochiton Döbbeler & Poelt, in Döbbeler, Mitt. bot. StSamml., Münch. 14: 208 (1978).
Index Fungorum number: IF 660; Faceoffungi number: FoF 7000, 5 morphological species (Species Fungorum, 2022), 2 species with molecular data.
Saprobic on hairy leaves of moss of Rhacomitrium lanuginosum. Sexual morph: Ascomata superficial or semi immersed, subglobose to globose, dark brown, comprising sterile tissues embedded in a gelatinous matrix, lacking pseudoparaphyses. Peridium formed as textura angularis, thick-walled, with hyaline to brownish in inner layers and dark brown to black at outer layers. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, saccate to cylindric-clavate, sessile, apically rounded, with ocular chamber, embedded in gelatinous matrix. Ascospores 2–3-seriate, ellipsoidal to ellipsoid-fusiform, dictyosporous, with 1-longitudinal septum in each cell, sometimes with 2-longitudinal septa in some cells, brown to dark brown, hyaline to grayish at both ends, guttulate in immature spores, slightly constricted at septum, tapering toward the ends, rough walled. Asexual morph: Undetermined (Adapted from Hyde et al., 2017).
Type species: Bryochiton monascus Döbbeler & Poelt
Notes: Bryochiton was introduced by Dobbeler and Poelt (in Dobbeler 1978) to accommodate four species associated with mosses. Hongsanan et al. (2020) suggested that Bryochiton is paraphyletic. The placement of Bryochiton still need revision.
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