Venturiales » Sympoventuriaceae » Verruconis

Verruconis gallopava

Verruconis gallopava (W.B. Cooke) Samerp. & de Hoog, in Samerpitak et al., Fungal Diversity 65: 117 (2013) [2014].

            Diplorhinotrichum gallopavum W.B. Cooke, in Georg et al., Sabouraudia 3: 242 (1964).

           Index Fungorum number: IF 519171; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12053, Fig. 1

Description: see Samerpitak et al. (2014).

Material considered: see Samerpitak et al. (2014).

Fig. 1 Verruconis gallopava (CBS 437.64, holotype; redrawn from Fig. 17 in Samerpitak et al. 2014). a Colony on MEA. b, c Conidial apparatus with rhexolytic conidia. d Anastomosing hyphae. e Hyphal coils. Scale bars = 10 μm.

Importance and distribution

Verruconis produces toxins and infectious compounds which are responsible for encephalitis in Turkey, chicken, gray-winged trumpete, quail, owl and other bird families (Seyedmousavi et al. 2018). They are waterborne, thermophilic oligotrophs, ultimately pathogenic to warm-blooded vertebrates. They are important agent of infection in the brain of Meleagris gallopavo (turkey). Verruconis comprises ten species known on four host plants in Araliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Phasianidae and Primulaceae. Verruconis calidifluminalis has been isolated from water of hot spring, V. gallopava from brain of Meleagus gallopavopoults (Phasianidae), V. hainanensis from dicotyledonous plant submerged in a stream, V. pseudotricladiata from broad-leaf species submerged in a stream, V. terricola, V. thailandica and V. verruculosa from soil. Verruconis is known from Asia (China, India, Japan, Thailand) and The United States (Carolina).



Samerpitak K, Van der Linde E, Choi HJ, van den Ende AG, Machouart M, Gueidan C, De Hoog GS. 2014 – Taxonomy of Ochroconis, genus including opportunistic pathogens on humans and animals. Fungal Diversity 65, 89–126.

Seyedmousavi S, Bosco S, de Hoog S, Ebel F et al. 2018 – Fungal infections in animals: a patchwork of different situations. Medical mycology 56, 165–187.


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