Veronaeopsis Arzanlou & Crous, in Arzanlou et al., Stud. Mycol. 58: 91 (2007).
Index Fungorum number: IF 504571; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06350, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.
Saprobic on leaf. In vitro: Colonies moderately fast-growing; surface velvety, floccose, greyish sepia to hazel, with smooth margin; reverse mouse-grey to dark mouse-grey. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Conidiophores arising vertically from aerial hyphae, lateral or intercalary, simple or branched, occasionally reduced to conidiogenous cells, pale brown. Conidiogenous cells terminally integrated on simple or branched conidiophores, polyblastic, smooth, thin-walled, pale brown; rachis commonly straight, geniculate, with densely crowded, prominent denticles, and slightly pigmented scars. Conidia solitary, sub hyaline to pale brown, thin- or slightly thick-walled, smooth, oblong-ellipsoidal to subcylindrical, (0-)1-septate, with a slightly darkened, thickened hilum; conidial secession schizolytic (adapted from Arzanlou and Crous 2007).
Type species: Veronaeopsis simplex (Papendorf) Arzanlou & Crous
Notes: Veronaeopsis morphologically resembles Veronaea in havinguniseptate conidia but differs in having shorter macronematous conidiophores. Also, Veronaeopsis has a geniculate rachis while Veronaea has a more or less straight rachis. Veronaeopsis can be distinguished from similar genera based on DNA sequence data. Molecular markers available for Veronaeopsis are ITS, LSU, SSU, RPB2 and TEF-1.
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