Venturiales » Sympoventuriaceae


Mycosisymbrium Carris, Mycologia 86(1): 132 (1994).

Index Fungorum number: IF 27274; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06348, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.

Saprobic on leaves. Colonies on natural substrate effuse, brown; mycelium immersed. Colonies on MEA woolly, brown, reverse black, margin serrated, attaining a diameter of 1.92.2 cm in 10 days. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Conidiophores macronematous, clustered, discrete, mononematous, branched, light brown, smooth-walled, each branch terminating in a filiform appendage. Appendages hyaline, flexuous. Conidiogenous cells mono to polyblastic, light brown, smooth walled, denticulate. Conidia solitary, oblong, rounded at the apex, brown, smooth-walled, uniseptate, slightly constricted at septum (adapted from Pratibha & Prabhugaonkar 2016).

Type species: Mycosisymbrium cirrhosum Carris

Notes: Mycosisymbrium is characterised by brown immersed mycelium, mononematous, branched, light brown conidiophores, mono- to polyblastic, light brown, smooth-walled conidiogenous cells and solitary, oblong, uniseptate conidia rounded at the apex. In the phylogenetic analyses of Pratibha and Prabhugaonkar (2016), Mycosisymbrium forms a distinct lineage sister to Ochroconis and Verruconis. Mycosisymbrium resembles Ochroconis in having two-celled conidia, somewhat constricted at the septa and polyblastic conidiogenous cells (Pratibha and Prabhugaonkar 2016). Mycosisymbrium differs from Ochroconis in having discrete aggregates of conidiophores forming sterile, filiform appendages (Pratibha & Prabhugaonkar 2016). Mycosisymbrium is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct genus in Sympoventuriaceae. Molecular markers available for Mycosisymbrium are ITS, SSU, LSU and RPB2.


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Mushroom Research Foundation


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