Valsariales » Valsariaceae


Bambusaria Jaklitsch, D.Q. Dai, K.D. Hyde & Voglmayr, in Jaklitsch et al., Fungal Diversity 73: 196 (2015).

Index Fungorum number: IF 811906; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06559, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.

Saprobic on host. Sexual morph: Stromata eustromatic, immersed, erumpent to superficial, globose to irregular, black, with rugose surface, KOH−, internally dark brown, pseudoparenchymatous. Ascomata immersed in the stromata in valsoid configuration, monostichous, globose to pyriform; peridium pseudoparenchymatous, of subhyaline to pale brownish compressed cells. Ostioles periphysate, necks separately emerging or fusing. Paraphyses unbranched, tapering upwards, apically free. Asci cylindrical, bitunicate without obvious fissitunicate dehiscence, with a short stipe, containing 8 uniseriate ascospores; apex containing an ocular chamber and a pulvinate ring staining in Congo Red. Ascospores ellipsoid to broadly fusiform or biconoid, brown, uniseptate, not or slightly constricted at the septum, longitudinally ribbed. Asexual morph on natural substrates: Multiloculate conidiomata similar to stromata, immersed-erumpent, globose to irregular, black, with rugose surface, pseudoparenchymatous. Locules with a dark brown, pseudoparenchymatous wall, internally lined by dense palisades of lageniform phialides. Conidia oblong, 1-celled, hyaline, smooth. Asexual morphs in culture: Conidiation on MEA effuse, hyphomycetous; on OA also in pycnidia (adapted from Jaklitsch et al. 2015).

 Type species: Bambusaria bambusae (J.N. Kapoor & H.S. Gill) Jaklitsch, D.Q. Dai, K.D. Hyde & Voglmayr

Notes: Bambusaria is characterised by eustromatic, immersed, erumpent to superficial stromata, ascomata immersed in the stromata in valsoid configuration, cylindrical, bitunicate asci with a pulvinate ring staining in Congo Red and ellipsoid to broadly fusiform or biconoid, brown, uniseptate ascospores. The asexual morph is characterised by multiloculate conidiomata, dark brown locules, and oblong, 1-celled, hyaline, smooth conidia. Bambusaria bambusae was described by Kapoor and Gill (1961) and was found on bamboo in India. The same species was recollected on Thyrsostachys siamensis (Bambuseae) by Jaklitsch et al. (2015) and on dead culms of bamboo in Thailand. Bambusaria is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct genus in Valsariaceae. A multigene analysis of LSU, SSU, ITS, RPB2 and TEF1 is preferred to identify species of Bambusaria (Jaklitsch et al. 2015).


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