Pseudogliophragma Phadke & V.G. Rao, Norw. Jl Bot. 27(2): 127 (1980)
Index Fungorum number: IF 9579; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06557, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2021), 1 species with molecular data.
Type species: Pseudogliophragma indica Phadke & V.G. Rao
Notes: Pseudogliophragma is characterised by loosely constructed and frequently frayed synnemata, with a brown stipe and a divergent capitulum with monoblastic conidiogenous cells and deeply constricted phragmoconidia. Pratibha et al. (2015) suggested Ramaraomyces as the synonym for Pseudogliophragma and provided an epitype and lectotype for the genus. Pseudogliophragma is related to Wiesneriomyces and belongs to the family Wiesneriomycetaceae. Molecular markers available for Pseudogliophragma are ITS, LSU and SSU.
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