Tubeufiales » Tubeufiaceae


Tubeufia Penz. & Sacc., Malpighia 11(11–12): 517 (1898) [1897].

Index Fungorum number: IF 5635; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08070, 12 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), no molecular data available

Saprobic on decorticated or decaying woody and herbaceous substrates, in terrestrial habitats, widespread in temperate and tropical regions. Sexual morph: Ascomata superficial, seated on a subiculum, solitary to gregarious, or partially grouped, uniloculate, globose to subglobose, or clavate to obovate, coriaceous, translucent, light brown to reddish brown, ostiole central, sometimes collapsed when dry, radiating mycelium or appendages at the base. Peridium somewhat thick, composed of textura angularis, external layer pale yellow, brownish to brown, inner layer hyaline and connected with membranous tissues, in a gelatinous matrix. Hamathecium comprising numerous, branched, septate, hyaline, filiform pseudoparaphyses. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, saccate or cylindrical-clavate, sessile or with a sometimes-long pedicel, apically rounded, with or without an ocular chamber. Ascospores fasciculate, elongate cylindrical-subfusiform or narrowly oblong, tapering towards narrow and subacute ends, multi-septate, hyaline, occasionally pale brown to light brown, guttulate when immature, smooth-walled. Asexual morph: hyphomycetous, i.e. Helicoma, Helicomyces and Helicosporium or chlamydosporous (adapted from Boonmee et al. 2011).

 Type species: Tubeufia javanica Penz. & Sacc.

Notes: Tubeufia is characterised by superficial, globose to subglobose, or clavate to obovate ascomata, fissitunicate, saccate or cylindrical-clavate asci and fasciculate, elongate cylindrical-subfusiform or narrowly oblong ascospores. Some Tubeufia species reproduce asexually in culture and are linked with asexual genera Aquaphila, Helicoma, Helicomyces or Helicosporium (Boonmee et al. 2011). Several authors confirmed the sexual-asexual link by cultural studies and phylogenetic analysis (Tsui et al. 2006, 2007, Promputtha & Miller 2010, Sanchez & Bianchinotti 2010, Boonmee et al. 2011, 2014b). Boonmee et al. (2014) designated the epitype of T. javanica collected on dead culm of bamboo (Poaceae) in Thailand that represents Tubeufia sensu stricto based on morphology and phylogenetic analyses of LSU, SSU and TEF1 sequence data. Lu et al. (2017) added four species T. filiformis, T. latispora, T. laxispora and T. mackenziei based on multigene analyses of ITS, LSU and TEF1α sequence data and provided a key to Tubeufia species. Lu et al. (2018b) re-appraised Tubeufia, added 18 new species and six combinations based on morphology and phylogenetic analyses of ITS, LSU, RPB2 and TEF-1 sequence data. Several authors added new species to Tubeufia (Dai et al. 2017, Doilom et al. 2017, Luo et al. 2017, Tian et al. 2022). Tubeufia is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct and type genus in Tubeufiaceae.


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