Manoharachariella Bagyan., N.K. Rao & Kunwar, Mycotaxon 109: 301 (2009).
Index Fungorum number: IF 512919; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07530, 4 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.
Colonies effuse, thin, pale brown to mid brown, hairy, mycelium immersed, hyphae brown, smooth. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Stroma none, setae and hyphopodia absent. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, sparsely branched, branches loosely fasciculate, arising laterally and apically from the immersed mycelium, erect, usually flexuous, septate, septa few, hyaline to sub-hyaline. Conidiogenous cells acroauxic, monoblastic, integrated, cylindrical, hyaline to sub-hyaline. Conidia solitary, dry, acrogenous and acropleurogenous, simple, doliiform, obpyriform, ellipsoidal, apiculate, smooth, dictyoseptate, tiered, mid brown to dark brown to blackish brown, apical and basal tiers hyaline to subhyaline (adapted from Bagyanarayana et al. 2009).
Type species: Manoharachariella lignicola Bagyan.
Notes: Manoharachariella is characterised by macronematous, mononematous conidiophores, acroauxic, monoblastic, integrated, cylindrical, hyaline to sub-hyaline conidiogenous cells and dry, acrogenous and acropleurogenous, simple, doliiform, obpyriform conidia. Rajeshkumar and Singh (2012) added the second species M. indica from eastern Ghats, India. Species of Manoharachariella can be distinguished based on conidial size, septa and size of conidiophores. Manoharachariella resembles Septosporium in having dictyoseptate, beaked conidia but differs in lacking setae, unbranched conidiophores and percurrently proliferating conidiogenous cells. Manoharachariella also resembles Xenosporium but differs in producing monoblastic, acrogenous, obpyriform, apiculate, smooth, dictyoseptate conidia and in lacking secondary conidia. Manoharachariella is also similar to Bioconiosporium in having solitary, dry, acropleurogenous, doliiform, dictyoseptate conidia but differs in having monoblastic conidia with single beak whereas the conidia of Bioconiosporium have two prominences. Manoharachariella also bears a resemblance to Monodictys in having dictyoseptate, monoblastic, dry, acrogenous conidia but differs in having apiculate and tiered conidia (Ellis 1971). Manoharachariella differs from other genera of Tubeufiaceae in having effuse, thin colonies, immersed mycelium, sparingly branched conidiophores, monoblastic, doliiform, acroauxic conidiogenous cells, and dictyoseptate, brown to dark brown, apiculate conidia with 1–2 tiers of hyaline or subhyaline cells at the apical and basal end. Manoharachariella is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct genus in Tubeufiaceae. Molecular markers are available for one species M. tectonae (ITS, TEF-1 and mtLSU).
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