Acanthostigma perpusillum
Acanthostigma perpusillum De Not., Hedwigia 4: 28 (1865).
Index Fungorum number: IF 204820; Facesoffungi number: FoF 09656 Fig. 1
Description: see Boonmee et al. (2011).
Material examined: (redrawn from Réblová and Barr 2000).
Fig 1. Acanthostigma perpusillum (redrawn from Réblová and Barr 2000). a Ascomata cross section on substrate. b Pseudoparaphyses. c Ascus. d Ascospores. Scale bars: a = 50 μm, b = 5 μm, c, d = 20 μm.
Importance and distribution
Acanthostigma comprises 41 morphological species. There are ninety-one Acanthostigma epithets in Index Fungorum (2022) and seventy-six in Species Fungorum (2022), but some species have been transferred to Acanthophiobolus, Acanthostigmella, Acerbiella, Aphanostigme, Bryosphaeria, Cercophora, Chaetosphaeria, Chaetothyrium, Epibryon, Knufia, Nematostoma, Neoacanthostigma and Niesslia. There are around 42 sequences of Acanthostigma in GenBank. Of these, one species is confirmed with molecular data (A. chiangmaiensis). Lu et al. (2018b) accepted seven species A. chiangmaiensis, A.ellisii, A. longisporum, A. minutum, A. patagonicum and A. perpusillum. The species are known from Nothofagus alpina (Nothofagaceae) and Rhododendron ferrugineum (Ericaceae). Acanthostigma is reported from Asia (Thailand) and the United States.
Berlese AN. 1893 – Descrizione di alcuni nuovi generi di pirenomiceti. Reprint from Atti del Congresso Botanico Internazionale 1–10.
Lu YZ, Liu JKJ, Hyde KD, Jeewon R et al. 2018 – A taxonomic reassessment of Tubeufiales based on multi-locus phylogeny and morphology. Fungal Diversity 92, 131–344.
Réblová M, Barr M. 2000 – The genus Acanthostigma (Tubeufiaceae, Pleosporales). Sydowia 52, 258–285.
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