Swinscowia S.H. Jiang, Lücking & Sérus., in Hongsanan et al., Fungal Diversity: 10.1007/s13225-020-00462-6, [136] (2020).
Index Fungorum number: IF 836396; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08890, 34 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.
Lichenized on bark and rocks in terrestrial, temperate subalpine to tropical habitats. Thallus usually ecorticate, whitish to brownish. Photobiont Trentepohlia. Sexual morph: Ascomata perithecia, usually dispersed but often dense, immersed-erumpent to prominent, usually black or covered by thallus layer, rarely pale, lens-shaped to wart shaped, usually carbonaceous, rarely with pale to brownish walls, ostiolate. Involucrellum usually present and carbonized, rarely reduced or pale. Excipulum prosoplectenchymatous, pale to brown or blackish. Hamathecium comprising paraphyses, hyaline, flexuous, typically branched and sometimes somewhat anastomosing. Asci usually 8-spored, rarely as little as 2-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindrical to narrowly obclavate, shortly pedicellate, with narrow, non–amyloid ocular chamber. Ascospores irregularly arranged to uni- or biseriate, fusiform to ellipsoid or bacillar, hyaline, uniseptate to mostly 3–7-septate to (sub-) muriform, with thin eusepta and rectangular lumina, smooth-walled, often constricted (and sometimes breaking apart) at the septa. Asexual morph: Pycnidia common, immersed to erumpent, usually visible as black dots. Conidia typically acrogenous, either macro- or microconidia; macroconidia (1–)3–7(–11)-septate to more rarely submuriform, oblong-ellipsoid to bacillar, with variably shaped gelatinous appendages, hyaline; microconidia aseptate, ellipsoid to fusiform, small, hyaline. Chemistry: No secondary substances known (adapted from Hongsanan et al. 2020b).
Type species: Swinscowia jamesii (Swinscow) S.H. Jiang, Lücking & Sérus.
Notes: Swinscowia is characterised by immersed-erumpent to prominent ascomata, cylindrical to narrowly obclavate, shortly pedicellate asci and fusiform to ellipsoid or bacillar, hyaline, (1–)3–7-septate to (sub-)muriform ascospores. Swinscowia accommodates non-foliicolous species centered around Strigula jamesii. It is still unclear whether Swinscowia is monophyletic or not. Hongsanan et al. (2020b) reported that Swinscowia might comprise more than one genus. Two major groups Strigula affinis-tagananae-calcarea group defined by Roux and Sérusiaux (2004) (“ensemble 2”) corresponds to Swinscowia. Swinscowia is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct genus in Strigulaceae. Molecular markers available for Swinscowia jamesii include LSU, SSU and TEF-1.
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