Sporidesmioides Jun F. Li, Phookamsak & K.D. Hyde, in Li et al., Mycol. Progr. 15(10): 1171 (2016).
Index Fungorum number: IF 817934; Facesoffungi number: FoF 02515, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.
Saprobic or parasitic on plant litter of wood or herbs. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Hyphomycetous. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, straight or curved, septate, smooth, brown or dark brown, unbranched, erect, single or caespitose, smooth, thick-walled, brown to dark brown, septate, cylindrical, arising from a stromatic base akin to pseudoparenchymatous stromata. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, integrated, indeterminate or percurrent, terminal, sometimes becoming intercalary sympodial, often dark and prominent, cylindrical or doliiform. Conidia acrogenous, solitary, dry, pyriform, rostrate, straight or curved, ampulliform to obclavate, conicotruncate at the base, septate, smooth, brown to dark brown, with paler cells at end, truncate at the base, smooth or verruculose to echinulate, dark brown, subhyaline at the apex, thick-walled. Conidial secession schizolytic (adapted from Li et al. 2016).
Type species: Sporidesmioides thailandica Jun F. Li, Phookamsak & K.D. Hyde
Notes: Sporidesmioides is characterised by macronematous, mononematous, straight or curved, septate conidiophores, polyblastic, integrated, indeterminate conidiogenous cells and acrogenous, solitary, dry, pyriform, rostrate conidia. Sporidesmioides resembles Sporidesmium and Sporidesmium sensu lato in having similar conidial shape. Sporidesmioides differs from Sporidesmium in having bigger conidia with paler cells and a hyaline, flat flexuous sheath surrounding the tip. In the multi gene phylogenetic analysis of Li et al. (2016) based on LSU, SSU, TEF1-α and RPB2 sequence data, S. thailandica formed a distinct lineage sister to Roussoellaceae. Sporidesmioides is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct and well-defined genus in Torulaceae. Molecular markers available for Sporidesmioides are ITS, LSU, SSU, RPB2 and TEF-1.
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