Pleosporales » Pleosporaceae


Porocercospora Amaradasa, Amundsen, Madrid & Crous, Mycologia 106(1): 81 (2014).

Index Fungorum number: IF 803981; Facesoffungi number: FoF 00536, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum, 2022), 1 species with molecular data.

Pathogenic on seeds. Asexual morph: Conidiophores densely aggregated, arising from brown stroma. Conidiophores intermingled among hyphae, sub-cylindrical, medium brown, smooth to finely verruculose, branched above, thin-walled, septate. Conidiogenous cells sub-cylindrical, medium brown, smooth to finely verruculose, apex rounded, monotretic, with a central pore, indistinct, not darkened or thickened. Conidia solitary, medium brown, thick-walled, finely verruculose, obclavate to cylindro-obclavate, with short conidia obovoid to subcylindrical, transversely multi-distoseptate; apex subobtuse, base obconically truncate, with hila having a distinct central brown pore, thickened and darkened. Sexual morph: Unknown (Adapted from Amaradasa, 2014).


Type species: Porocercospora seminalis (Ellis & Everh.) Amaradasa, Amundsen, H. Madrid & Crous


Notes: Porocercospora was introduced by Amaradasa (2014) with P. seminalis as type species. Porocercospora is characterized by densely aggregated conidiophores, cylindrical, medium brown, smooth to finely verruculose conidiogenous cells, solitary, medium brown, thick-walled obclavate to cylindro-obclavate conidia. Porocercospora is morphologically similar to Cercospora but phylogenetically distinct. Braun (1999) placed Porocercospora seminalis in Sporidesmium based on the pigmented structures and unique mode of conidiogenesis. Shenoy et al. (2006) mentioned that Sporidesmium is heterogeneous with taxa belonging to both Dothideomycetes and Sordariomycetes. Porocercospora differs from Sporidesmium in that the latter has simple or slightly branched conidiophores, monoblastic (but not tretic) conidiogenous cells with wide scars and euseptate conidia (Seifert et al., 2011).  Amaradasa et al. (2014) provided an updated phylogeny of P. seminalis based on LSU, ITS and RPB2 DNA sequence data and reported that P. seminalis is a well-defined species. Amaradasa et al. (2014) reported that Porocercospora is not related to any cercosporoid fungi and is phylogenetically close to four genera characterized by tretic conidiogenous cells and elongate, distoseptate conidia (i.e. Bipolaris, Curvularia, Exserohilum and Pyrenophora). Porocercospora differs from the above genera in having aggregated conidiophores formed from a brown, spongy stroma, lacking a conspicuous geniculate rachis, and inconspicuous (non-darkened) monotretic conidiogenous loci (Sivanesan, 1987; Manamgoda et al., 2012). Porocercospora is morphologically and phylogenetically a well-defined genus in Pleosporaceae. Molecular data available for Pleosporaceae include LSU, SSU, ITS, TEF-1, RPB2 and GAPDH.


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