Peridiothelia fuliguncta
Peridiothelia fuliguncta (Norman) D. Hawksw., Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist., Bot. 14(2): 121 (1985).
≡ Microthelia fuliguncta Norman, Öfvers. K. Svensk. Vetensk. -Akad. Förhandl. 41(no. 8): 36 (1884).
Index Fungorum number: IF 104605; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11662, Fig. 1
Description: see Hawksworth (1985).
Material examined: see Hawksworth (1985).
Fig. 1 Ascospores outline of Peridiothelia fuliguncta (re-drawn from Fig. 48 in Hawksworth 1985). Scale bar: = 10 μm.
Importance and distribution
Peridiothelia comprises three species known on Prunus sp. (Rosaceae) in the United States (Arizona) and Tilia cordata (Malvaceae) in Europe (Sweden).
Eriksson OE, Hawksworth DL. 1991 – Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 969–1127. Systema Ascomycetum 9, 1–38.
Hawksworth DL. 1985 – A redisposition of the species referred to the ascomycete genus Microthelia. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Botany 14, 43–181.
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