Pleosporales » Phaeosphaeriaceae » Septoriella

Septoriella phragmitis

Septoriella phragmitis Oudem. [as 'phragmitidis'], Ned. kruidk. Archf, 2 sér. 5: 54 [repr.] (1889).

           Index Fungorum number: IF 121133; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11651, Fig. 1

Description: see Crous et al. (2015).

Material examined: see Crous et al. (2015).

Fig. 1 Septoriella phragmitis (CPC 24118, re-drawn from Fig. 20 in Crous et al. 2015). a Conidiomata in vivo. b Conidial cirrhus. c, d Conidiogenous cells. e Conidia (note mucoid caps). Scale bars: a = 500 μm, b = 200 μm, c–e= 10 μm.

Importance and distribution

There are 50 Septoriella epithets in Index Fungorum (2022), but several species have been transferred to Dothistroma, Linochora, Linochorella and Phaeopoacea. Septoriella comprises 46 species known on Bambusa sp. (Poaceae), Ficus alba (Moraceae), Juncus bufonius (Juncaceae), Lomandra leucocephala (Asparagaceae), Lupinus obtusilobus (Fabaceae), Malva sylvestris (Malvaceae), Phragmites australis (Poaceae), Trachycarpus fortunei (Arecaceae), Triodia irritans (Poaceae) and Vitis sp. (Vitaceae). Septoriella is known from Asia (China, Hong Kong, Singapore), Australia, Europe (France, Netherlands, Poland) and the United States (California).



Andrianova TV, Minter DW. 2007 – New species of Bartalinia and Septoriella from the Altai Mountains (Russia). Mycotaxon 101, 297–313.

Crous PW, Carris LM, Giraldo A, Groenewald JZ et al. 2015 – The Genera of Fungi – fixing the application of the type species of generic names – G 2: Allantophomopsis, Latorua, Macrodiplodiopsis, Macrohilum, Milospium, Protostegia, Pyricularia, Robillarda, Rotula, Septoriella, Torula, and Wojnowicia. IMA Fungus 6, 163–198.

Crous PW, Shivas RG, Quaedvlieg W, van der Bank M et al. 2014 – Fungal Planet description sheets: 214–280. Persoonia 32, 184–306.

Hyde KD, Dong Y, Phookamsak R, Jeewon R et al. 2020b – Fungal diversity notes 1151–1276: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 100, 5–277

Kohlmeyer J, Volkmann-Kohlmeyer B. 2000 – Fungi on Juncus roemerianus 14. Three new coelomycetes, including Floricola, anam.-gen. nov. Botanica marina 43, 385–392.

Lee S, Crous PW. 2003 – New coelomycetes occurring on Restionaceae. Sydowia 55, 115–128.

Marin-Felix Y, Hernández-Restrepo M, Iturrieta-González I, García D et al. 2019 – Genera of phytopathogenic fungi: GOPHY 3. Studies in Mycology 94, 1–124.

Taylor JE, Hyde KD, 2003 – Microfungi of tropical and temperate palms. Fungal Diversity Research Series 12, 1–459.

Thambugala KM, Wanasinghe DN, Phillips AJL, Camporesi E et al. 2017b – Mycosphere notes 1–50: grass (Poaceae) inhabiting Dothideomycetes. Mycosphere 8, 697–796.


About Dothideomycetes

The website provides an up-to-date classification and account of all genera of the class Dothideomycetes.

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