Pleosporales » Phaeosphaeriaceae » Scolicosporium

Scolicosporium fagi

Scolicosporium fagi Lib. ex Roum., in Roumeguère, Revue mycol., Toulouse 2(1): 22 (1880).

           Index Fungorum number: IF 120446; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11650, Fig. 1

Description: see Wijayawardene et al. (2013, 2016).

Material considered: see Wijayawardene et al. (2013, 2016).

Fig. 1 Scolicosporium fagi (MFLU 15–3457 = HKAS 92554). a Appearance of matured sporodochium-like conidiomata on host substrate. b Section through conidiomata. c, d Conidia attach to conidiophores. e–h Conidia. Scale bars: b–d = 100 μm, e–h = 50 μm.

Importance and distribution

There are 11 Scolicosporium epithets in Index Fungorum (2022), but several species have been transferred to Asteromassaria, Lecanostictopsis and Scolecosporiella. Scolicosporium comprises five species known on Castanea dentata (Fagaceae), Cryptomeria japonica (Taxodiaceae), Fagus sp. (Fagaceae), Malus sylvestris (Rosaceae), Nothofagus antarctica (Nothofagaceae), Olea europaea (Oleaceae), Phoebe paniculata (Lauraceae), Pyrus sp. (Rosaceae), Quercus sp. (Fagaceae), Syzygium guineense (Myrtaceae) and Typha latifolia (Typhaceae). Scolicosporium has wide distribution such as Africa (Ethiopia), Asia (India, Japan), Europe (Austria, Belgium, Poland, United Kingdom), South America (Chile) and The United States (Florida, New York, Pennsylvania).



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Saccardo PA. 1881 Fungi Veneti novi vel critici v. mycologiae Veneti addendi. Series XII. Michelia 2, 241–301.

Seifert K, Morgan-Jones G, Gams W, Kendrick B. 2011 The genera of hyphomycetes. CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Spooner BM, Kirk PM. 1982 Taxonomic notes on Excipularia and Scolicosporium.  Transactions of the British Mycological Society 78, 247–257.

Sutton BC. 1977 Coelomycetes VI. Nomenclature of generic names proposed for Coelomycetes. Mycological Papers 141, 1–253.

Sutton BC. 1980 – The Coelomycetes. Fungi imperfecti with pycnidia, acervuli and stromata. Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew, pp 1–696.

Treigiene A, Mel’nik VA. 2002 – Interesting records of deuteromycetes from Lithuania (in Russian). Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 36, 42–47.

Wijayawardene NN, Camporesi E, Song Y, Dai DQ et al. 2013 – Multi-gene analyses reveal taxonomic placement of Scolicosporium minkeviciusii in Phaeosphaeriaceae (Pleosporales). Cryptogamie Mycologie 34, 357–366.

Wijayawardene NN, Hyde KD, Wanasinghe DN, Papizadeh M et al. 2016 – Taxonomy and phylogeny of dematiaceous coelomycetes. Fungal Diversity 77, 1–316.


About Dothideomycetes

The website provides an up-to-date classification and account of all genera of the class Dothideomycetes.

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