Periconia Tode, Fung. mecklenb. sel. (Lüneburg) 2: 2 (1791).
Index Fungorum number: IF 9263; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06658, 116 morphological species (Species Fungorum, 2022), 22 species with molecular data.
Saprobic or pathogenic on host. Sexual morph: Ascomata scattered to grouped, immersed to erumpent, globose. Ostiolar neck central, papillate, with hyaline periphyses. Ascomatal wall in longitudinal section composed of several layers of thin-walled, pale brown to brown cells. Pseudoparaphyses cellular, branched, anastomosed. Asci fissitunicate, oblong to cylindrical, 8-spored. Ascospores broadly fusiform, 1-septate, hyaline, smooth, with an entire sheath. Asexual morph: Conidiomata periconia- or noosia-like. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, sometimes lacking. Branches pale brown to brown, smooth to slightly echinulate. Conidial heads spherical. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic to polyblastic, discrete on stipe and branches. Conidia globose to ellipsoidal, aseptate, catenate, brown, verruculose to echinulate (Adapted from Tanaka et al., 2015).
Type species: Periconia lichenoides Tode
Notes: Periconia was introduced by Tode (1791) with P. lichenoides as type species. Periconia is characterized by scattered to grouped, immersed to erumpent, globose ascomata, central, papillate ostiolar neck with hyaline periphyses, oblong to cylindrical, 8-spored asci and broadly fusiform, 1-septate, hyaline ascospore surrounded by an entire sheath. The asexual morph is characterized by macronematous, mononematous conidiophores, pale brown to brown, smooth to slightly echinulate branches, spherical conidial heads, monoblastic to polyblastic conidiogenous cells and globose to ellipsoidal, aseptate, catenate, brown, verruculose to echinulate conidia. Tanaka et al. (2015) suggested that Periconia is polyphyletic as several genera and species such as Bambusistroma, Flavomyces, Noosia, and Sporidesmium tengii clustered in the Periconia lineage in several studies (Tanaka et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2017b; Thambugala et al., 2017b; Hyde et al., 2018; Jayasiri et al., 2019; Phookamsak et al., 2019; Samarakoon et al., 2021). Molecular data of P. lichenoides, the type species of Periconia is lacking. Tanaka et al. (2015) suggested the placement of Periconia in the Dothideomycetes based on morphology and sequence data of other members such as P. byssoides, P. cookei, P. igniaria, and P. digitate which cluster in Periconia s. str. Periconia prolifica, a marine taxon in the Sordariomycetes lack macronematous conidiophores hence is not included in Periconia s. str (Anastasiou, 1963; Kohlmeyer, 1969; Tanaka et al., 2015). Periconia is a distinct and type genus of Periconiaceae but requires revision due to its polyphyletic nature. Several species currently in Periconia might belong to other genera. Molecular data available for Periconia includes LSU, SSU, ITS and TEF1 sequence data.
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