Pleosporales » Occultibambusaceae


Versicolorisporium Sat., Hatak., Kaz. Tanaka & Y. Harada, Mycoscience 49(3): 211 (2008).

Index Fungorum number: IF 510909; Facesoffungi number: FoF 01727, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.

Saprobic on host. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Conidiomata pycnidioid, subepidermal, solitary to 2–3 gregarious, subglobose to depressed globose, black (including rim-like side wall), with a single locule. Ostiole slightly papillate, provided with short hyaline periphyses. Conidiomatal wall at sides composed of vertically orientated rectangular pale brown cells; wall around the ostiole composed of globose to polygonal cells, wall at the base flattened, poorly developed, composed of polygonal cells. Paraphyses absent. Conidiophores absent. Conidiogenous cells ampulliform to cylindrical, not branched, determinate, holoblastic, bearing a single terminal conidium, formed from the inner layer of the conidiomatal wall. Conidia obovoid, rounded at the apex, truncate at the base, 3-septate, with a submedian primary septum, smooth; apical cell, pale brown; second cell from the apex, dark brown; third cell, pale brown; basal cell, hyaline (adapted from Hatakeyama et al. 2008).

Type species: Versicolorisporium triseptatum Sat. Hatak., Kaz. Tanaka & Y. Harada

Notes: Versicolorisporium is characterised by versicolored conidia produced from holoblastic conidiogenous cells. Versicolorisporium resembles Toxosporiella but the latter has darkly pigmented middle septa (black-banded) and a single oblique septum in the apical and basal cells (Sutton 1986), while Versicolorisporium lacks septa. Versicolorisporium also resembles Neohendersonia but the latter has uni- or multilocular stromatic conidiomata and an ostiole lacking inner periphyses (Sutton 1975; Sutton and Dyko1989). Versicolorisporium is also similar to Toxosporiopsis in having versicolored conidia but the latter has conidiomata with long paraphyses and without an obvious ostiole (Sutton and Seller 1966; Sutton and Dyko 1989). Versicolorisporium has also been compared to Scolicosporium in having versicolored conidia but the latter has acervular conidiomata (Sutton 1980). The ideal molecular markers to differentiate species of Versicolorisporium is ITS. Versicolorisporium is a distinct and well-defined genus in Occultibambusaceae. Molecular markers available for Versicolorisporium are ITS, LSU and SSU.


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