Mycoporum elabens
Mycoporum populnellum Nyl., Flora, Regensburg 56(19): 298 (1873).
Index Fungorum number: IF 395779; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11615, Fig. 1
Saprobic on growing bark of trees or stems. Sexual morph: Ascomata semi-immersed to superficial on host surface, simple, visible as dark brown to black circle on host surface. Peridium thick-walled, composed of several layers of dark-brown cells of textura angularis. Hamathecium present, with cellular pseudoparaphyses, anastomosing, branching, embedded in mucilaginous matrix, sometimes aparaphysate, covering asci by gelatinous matrix. Asci bitunicate, fissitunicate, 8-spored, ovoid to saccate, sessile with indistinct ocular chamber, thick-walled. Ascospores bi-to tri-seriated, or overlapping, oblong to cylindrical or ellipsoid, hyaline to subhyalineuniseptate, very slightly constricted at the septum, smooth or rough-walled. Asexual morph: Unknown.
Material examined: Finland, Etelä-Häme, Tavastia, Asikkala, on dead stem, June 1892, J.P Norrlin (1866) (F216647, holotype).