Pleosporales » Lophiotremataceae » Atrocalyx

Atrocalyx acutisporus

Atrocalyx acutisporus A. Hashim. & Kaz. Tanaka, in Hashimoto, Matsumura, Hirayama & Tanaka, Persoonia 39: 59 (2017).

           Index Fungorum number: IF 819241; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11588, Fig. 1

Description: see Hashimoto et al. (2017).

Material considered: see Hashimoto et al. (2017).



Fig. 1 Atrocalyx sp. al A. krabiensis (MFLU 18–2167, holotype). a Host. b Ascomata on substrate. c Section through ascoma. d Pseudoparaphyses. e, f Asci.  g, h Ascospores. i, j Colony on MEA. k Conidiogenous cells. l Conidia. m–u A. acervatus (MFLU 17–1392, holotype) m Ascomata on host surface. n Section through ascoma. o Ostiolar neck. p Peridium. q Pseudoparaphyses. r, s Asci. t, u Ascospores. o–bb A. bambusae (MFLU 11-0150, holotype) v Ascostromata on the host surface. w Section through ascoma. x Pseudoparaphyses. y, z Asci. aa–bb Ascospores. Scale bars: a, i, j = 1 cm, b = 500 μm, c, d, r, s = 50 μm, eh, o, p, xz = 20 μm, k, l = 5 μm, n, w = 100 μm, q, t, u, aa, bb = 10 μm.

Fig. 1 Atrocalyx acutisporus (HHUF 30504, holotype, re-drawn from Fig. 4 in Hashimoto et al. 2017). a Appearance of ascomata on substrate. b Vertical section of ascoma. c Peridium. d Asci. e Ascospores. f Pseudoparaphyses. g, h Conidiogenous cells with conidia. Scale bars: a = 100 μm, b = 20 μm, c, d, f = 10 μm, e, g, h = 5 μm.

Importance and distribution

Atrocalyx comprises seven species known on four host plants Acacia (Fabaceae), Acer (Sapindaceae), Cytisus (Fabaceae) and Populus (Salicaceae). Atrocalyx is found in Asia (China, Japan and Thailand) and Europe (Belgium, Spain).



de Silva N, Thambugala K, Jeewon R, Phookamsak R, Goonasekara I, Lumyong S, Hyde KD. 2018 – Morphology and phylogeny of Atrocalyx acervatus sp. nov. (Lophiotremataceae) from Acer species. Phytotaxa 333, 199.

Hashimoto A, Matsumura M, Hirayama K, Tanaka K. 2017 – Revision of Lophiotremataceae (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes): Aquasubmersaceae, Cryptocoryneaceae, and Hermatomycetaceae fam. nov. Persoonia 39, 51–73.

Jaklitsch WM, Fournier J, Voglmayr H. 2018 – Two unusual new species of Pleosporales: Anteaglonium rubescens and Atrocalyx asturiensis. Sydowia 70, 129–140.

Jayasiri SC, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, McKenzie EHC et al. 2019 – Diversity, morphology and molecular phylogeny of Dothideomycetes on decaying wild seed pods and fruits. Mycosphere 10, 1–186.

Tibpromma S, Hyde KD, Jeewon R, Maharachchikumbura SSN et al. 2017 – Fungal diversity notes 491–602: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 83, 1–261.



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The website provides an up-to-date classification and account of all genera of the class Dothideomycetes.

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