Pleosporales » Lentitheciaceae


Pleurophoma Höhn., Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl., Abt. 1 123: 117 (1914)

Index Fungorum number: IF 9579; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07498, 9 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2021), 4 species with molecular data.

Saprobic on leaves. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Colonies on OA: Colony greenish olivaceous/olivaceous to rosy-buff and sepia, with white, felty aerial mycelium; reverse olivaceous grey to greenish olivaceous/ olivaceous. Colonies on MEA: colony margin undulate; colony pale olivaceous grey/ olivaceous grey to dark mouse-grey with rosy-buff tinges, with white, floccose, compact aerial mycelium, reverse umber/ brown olivaceous to olivaceous/olivaceous black. Pycnidia globose to subglobose, olivaceous to olivaceous black, abundant, scattered, mainly on the agar, solitary or aggregated, covered by mycelial outgrowths or setae-like hyphae, up to 50 μm, non-papillated, without or with ostiole, walls made up of 2–5 layers of cells, outer layer(s) pigmented; conidial exudate not observed. Conidiogenous cells of two types; ampulliform to doliiform, filiform, septate, branched, acropleurogenous. Conidia cylindrical to oblong, without or with some minute, polar orientated guttules. Chlamydospores absent. NaOH spot test: a weak reddish discolouring is reported to occur on MA, not specific. Crystals absent (Adapted from de Gruyter et al. 2013).


Type species: Pleurophoma pleurospora (Sacc.) Höhn.


Notes: Pleurophoma was introduced by Höhnel (1914) with P. pleurospora as type species. Pleurophoma is characterized by phoma-like, ampulliform to doliiform conidiogenous cells, as well as pyrenochaeta-like branched, filiform, septate, acropleurogenous. Pleurophoma resembles Phoma, Paraphoma, Pyrenochaeta and Pyrenochaetopsis. de Gruyter et al. (2013) provided a lectotype of Pleurophoma pleurospora. Pleurophoma is phylogenetically a distinct genus in Lentitheciaceae.


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