Pleosporales » Lentitheciaceae


Keissleriella Höhn., Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften Math. - naturw. Klasse Abt. I 128: 582 (1919).

Index Fungorum number: IF 2553; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07424, 37 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), several species with molecular data.

Habitat terrestrial or freshwater, saprobic. Sexual morph: Ascomata small to medium-sized, immersed, erumpent to nearly superficial, globose, papillate, ostiolate. Papilla covered by dark setae or small blackened cells. Peridium thick, composed of cells of pseudoparenchymatous and inner layer composed of pale cells. Hamathecium of dense, long pseudoparaphyses, rarely septate, anastomosing and branching. Asci 4- or 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindro-clavate, furcate pedicel and a small ocular chamber. Ascospores hyaline to pale brown, ellipsoid to fusoid, uniseptate, constricted at the septum (adapted from Barr 1990 and Zhang et al. 2012). Asexual morph: Dendrophoma (Bose 1961).

Type species: Keissleriella aesculi (Höhn.) Höhn.

Notes: Keissleriella is characterised by small to medium-sized, immersed ascomata, cylindro-clavate asci with furcate pedicel and hyaline to pale brown, ellipsoid to fusoid, uniseptate ascospores. The asexual morph has been described as Dendrophoma (Bose 1961). Several authors accepted Keissleriella in Lentitheciaceae based on morphology and available sequences (Zhang et al. 2009, Hyde et al. 2013, Ariyawansa et al. 2015, Singtripop et al. 2015). Munk (1957) placed Keissleriella in Massarinaceae based on occurrence of host. Keissleriella resembles Trichometasphaeria but differs in that it occurs on woody substrate while Trichometasphaeria occurs on herbaceous plants. Bose (1961) synonymized Trichometasphaeria under Keissleriella, and this treatment was followed by several authors (Dennis 1978, Eriksson 1967, Luttrell 1973). Arx and Müller (1975) transferred Keissleriella to Pleosporaceae. Barr (1990), however, did not agree with the treatment of Bose (1961) and maintained Trichometasphaeria and Keissleriella as distinct genera based on the differences in peridium structure and pseudoparaphyses and placed Keissleriella in Melanommataceae. Lumbsch and Huhndorf (2007) placed Keissleriella in Massarinaceae while Zhang et al. (2012) transferred Keissleriella to Lentitheciaceae. Tanaka et al. (2015) also considered Trichometasphaeria and Keissleriella as congeneric. Wanasinghe et al. (2014, 2018) considered Keissleriella in Lentitheciaceae. Keissleriella is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct genus in Lentitheciaceae. Molecular markers available for Keissleriella are ITS, LSU, SSU, RPB2 and TEF-1.


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