Pleosporales » Lentitheciaceae


Katumotoa Kaz. Tanaka & Y. Harada, Mycoscience 46 (5): 313 (2005).

Index Fungorum number: IF 504386; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08259, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.

Saprobic on culms of Sasa kurilensis. Sexual morph: Ascomata uniloculate, subglobose, scattered to crowded, immersed or erumpent, with a rounded ostiole. Ascomatal apex short, central. Ascomatal wall composed of hyaline to pale brown small pseudoparenchymatous cells. Pseudoparaphyses cellular, numerous, septate, branched and anastomosed. Asci numerous, bitunicate, fissitunicate, clavate, at the apex rounded and with a shallow apical chamber, short stalked, basal and somewhat lateral, 8-spored. Ascospores fusiform, asymmetric, with a submedian primary septum, hyaline, smooth, usually with bipolar mucilaginous sheath. Senescent ascospores 2–4-septate, reddish-brown at the middle cell, pale yellow at others, echinulate. Asexual morph: Unknown (adapted from Tanaka and Harada 2005).


Type species: Katumotoa bambusicola Kaz. Tanaka & Y. Harada


Notes: Katumotoa is characterised by uniloculate, subglobose ascomata, bitunicate, fissitunicate, clavate asci and fusiform, asymmetric ascospores. Barr and Huhndorf (2001) placed Katumotoa in Pleosporales based on the morphological characters such as perithecioid ascomata, cellular pseudoparaphyses, bitunicate asci, and asymmetrical ascospores. Katumotoa differs from similar genera in Pleosporales in having apiosporous ascospores and a bipolar enlarged ascospore sheath. Katumotoa resembles Heptameria but can be differentiated in that the ascospores of the latter genus are many septate with a muriform midregion and it also has a thick ascomatal peridium with sclerotial-walled cells (Lucas and Sutton 1971; Barr 1990c). Katumotoa is also similar to Asynmetricospora in having submedian ascospore shape but differs in that the latter genus has large ascomata of uni- to multiloculus, carbonaceous ascomal wall, and trabeculate pseudoparaphyses (Fröhlich and Hyde 1998). Katumotoa also resembles members of Lophiostoma in having bipolar sheath but differs in that ascospores in the latter are narrowly fusiform with a primary septum at nearly midposition (Holm and Holm 1988; Tanaka and Harada 2003). Katumotoa is also comparable with species of Manglicola in having similar outline of ascospores but differs in that the latter has elongate to lageniform ascomata and trabeculae pseudoparaphyses (Huhndorf 1994). Katumotoa is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct and well-supported genus belonging to Lentitheciaceae. Molecular markers available for Katumotoa are ITS, LSU, SSU, RPB2 and TEF-1.



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