Pleosporales » Lentimurisporaceae


Bahusandhika Subram., J. Indian bot. Soc. 35: 469 (1956)

Index Fungorum number: IF 7319; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07231, 7 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2021), 1 species with molecular data.

Saprobic on branch. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Colonies on natural substrate black, shining, powdery, small and irregular masses. Conidiophores absent or indistinct to very small, bearing conidia in chains originating from toruloid basal cells formed at the tips of main or lateral branches. Toruloid cells globose, subglobose to oval, pale brown. Conidial chains simple or 2–5 times branched. Blastospores thick-walled, oblong to ellipsoid, brown to dark brown, 1–2-septate, developing acropetally, finely verrucose. Mature blastospores excluding separating cells are 7–14 µm long and 5–6.5 µm wide at the broadest point, with a circular scar at base indicating its attachment to separating cell. Separating cells one-celled, globose to oval, smooth, pale brown, thin-walled, 2.5–4 µm across. Usually 1 separating cell is produced from the apical cell of the blastospore, very rarely 2. From the separating cells apically 1 to 3 (generally 1) spore initials are blown out at 1–3 distinct points and gradually mature into blastospores after formation of transverse septa (adapted from Subramaniam 1956).


Type species: Bahusandhika indica (Subram.) Subram.


Notes: Bahusandhika was introduced by Subramaniam (1956) with B. indica as type species. Bahusandhika is characterised by blastic, spherical, ovoid, ampulliform conidiogenous cells and catenate, fusiform, cylindrical or rhomboidal, phragmoseptate conidia. Bahusandhika was taxonomically placed in Pleosporales based on DNA sequence data. Latorua Crous was synonymized under Bahusandhika by Crane and Miller (2016) based on morphology. Later, Liu et al. (2018c) treated them as distinct genera based on phylogenetic evidence. More sequence data are needed to confirm the correct taxonomic placement of Bahusandhika.


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