Pleosporales » Latoruaceae


Matsushimamyces Rah. Sharma & Roh. Sharma, in Sharma, Sharma & Crous, IMA Fungus 6(2): 338 (2015)

 Index Fungorum number: IF 810895; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07744, 2 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2021), 2 species with molecular data.

Pathogenic on horse hair. Sexual morph: Unknown. Conidiophores solitary, erect, rarely branched, straight or flexuous, brown apically, smooth, beaded near conidium attachment points, constricted at the septa. Conidiogenous cells pale brown, coarsely verruculose, monoblastic, terminal. Conidia solitary, straight or curved, fusoid to broadly ellipsoid, multi-septate, apical and basal cell thin-walled, subhyaline to brown, median cells dark brown to black, thick-walled, roughly to coarsely verruculose (Adapted from Sharma et al. 2015).


Type species: Matsushimamyces bohaniensis Rahul Sharma, Rohit Sharma & Crous


Notes: Matsushimamyces was introduced by Sharma and Roh in Sharma et al. (2015) with M. bohaniensis as type species. Matsushimamyces resembles species of the genus Bahugada but is distinct in that the latter has dictyospores formed on micronematous conidiophores, with a prominently pale brown basal cell. Matsushimamyces is also similar to Septosporiopsis in having dictyo/phragmospores but the conidia of Septosporiopsis have an equatorial appendage and the conidiogenous cells proliferate per currently. Matsushimamyces also resembles Chlamydotubeufia in having dictyochlamydospores conidia but differs in that the conidia lack vertical septa. Matsushimamyces also share similarities with genera such as Manoharachariella, Pithomyces, Hadrosporium but are phylogenetically distinct (Castañeda-Ruiz et al. 2000).




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