Neptunomyces M. Gonçalves, T. Vicente & A. Alves, MycoKeys 60: 37 (2019)
Index Fungorum number: IF 831436; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08239, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2021), 1 species with molecular data.
Saprobic on leaves. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: mycelium consisting of septate, smooth hyphae, thick-walled, hyaline and rarely with nucleus. Conidia aseptate, golden yellow, smooth, sub cylindrical with rounded apices. Chlamydospores not observed (Adapted from Gonçalves et al. 2019).
Type species: Neptunomyces aureus M. Gonçalves, T. Vicente & A. Alves
Notes: Neptunomyces was introduced by Gonçalves et al. (2019) with N. aureus as type species. Neptunomyces is characterized by hyaline septate conidia and aseptate, golden yellow conidia. Phylogenetically, Neptunomyces is a distinct genus in Didymosphaeriaceae.
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