Pleosporales » Didymellaceae » Macroventuria

Macroventuria anomochaeta

Macroventuria anomochaeta Aa, Persoonia 6(3): 362 (1971).

           Index Fungorum number: IF 317111; Facesoffungi number: FoF 04636 , Fig. 1

Description: see van der Aa (1971).

Material examined: see van der Aa (1971).



Fig. 1 Macroventuria spp. (re-drawn from van der Aa 1971). a, b Macroventuria wentii. a Perithecium. b Asci and ascospores. c, d Macroventuria anomochaeta. c Perithecium. d Asci and ascospores. Scale bars: a, c = 100 μm, b, d = 10 μm.


Importance and distribution

Macroventuria comprises two species. Macroventuria anomochaeta was reported on Medicago sativa (Fabaceae) in South Africa. Macroventuria wentii was found on Franseria sp. (Asteraceae), also on litter and isolated from air, ant pellets and Veromessor nest in the United States (Death Valley, Nevada).



Aa HA V. 1971 – Macroventuria, a new genus of the Venturiaceae. Persoonia 6, 359–363.

Aveskamp MM, de Gruyter J, Woudenberg JHC, Verkley GJM, Crous PW. 2010 – Highlights of the Didymellaceae: a polyphasic approach to characterize Phoma and related pleosporalean genera. Studies in Mycology 65, 1–60.

Barr 1982– On the Pleomassariaceae in North America. Mycotaxon 15, 345–348.

Eriksson O, Hawksworth DL. 1986 – Notes on Ascomycete systematics. Nos. 1-224. Systema Ascomycetum 5, 113–184.

Kodsueb R, Dhanasekaran V, Aptroot A, Lumyong S, McKenzie E, Hyde KD, Jeewon R. 2006 – The family Pleosporaceae: Intergeneric relationships and phylogenetic perspectives based on sequence analyses of partial 28S rDNA. Mycologia 98, 571–583.


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