Pleosporales » Didymellaceae


Calophoma Qian Chen & L. Cai, Stud. Mycol. 82: 191 (2015)

Index Fungorum number: IF 814063; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08219, 11 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2021), 11 species with molecular data.

Saprobic on stem. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Conidiomata pycnidial, sub globose to irregular, on agar surface or immersed, solitary or confluent, ostiolate, or with an elongate neck in older cultures. Micropycnidia present. Pycnidial wall pseudoparenchymatous, 2–6-layered, outer wall pigmented. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, hyaline, smooth, globose to flask shaped, ampulliform to doliiform. Conidia variable in size and shape, i.e. subglobose, subcylindrical, ellipsoidal, somewhat obclavate-fusiform, hyaline or becoming slightly brown, smooth and thin-walled, aseptate, occasionally large 1-septate conidia occur that are eguttulate or guttulate. Chlamydospores only occur in one species, uni- or multicellular, unicellular intercalary, guttulate, thick-walled, multicellular irregular dictyo/phragmosporous, somewhat botryoid and in combination with unicellular chlamydospores (Adapted from Chen et al. 2015).


Type species: Calophoma clematidina (Thüm.) Q. Chen & L. Cai


Notes: Calophoma was introduced by Chen et al. (2015) with C. clematidina as type species. Calophoma is characterized by subglobose, subcylindrical, ellipsoidal, somewhat obclavate-fusiform. Species of Calophoma also produces unicellular or multicellular chlamydospores in cultures. Phylogenetically, Calophoma is a well-supported and distinct genus in Didymellaceae.


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