Rhytidiella Zalasky, Can. J. Bot. 46(11): 1383 (1968).
Index Fungorum number: IF 4741; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08188, 4 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), no molecular data available.
Saprobic on host. Sexual morph: Perithecia erumpent, superficial, hemispherical, very black, usually with a truncate base; apex sulcate, pored. Asci cylindric to clavate, bitunicate, paraphysate. Ascospores scolecosporous, hyaline to yellow-brown, septate. Asexual morph: Pycnidia scattered, immersed, erumpent, conical to flat pulvinate, dimidiate, with a slightly papilliform pore, truncate base. Outer wall 20 μm and inner 10 μm thick. Conidiophores hyaline, branched, with an apical phialidic aperture, fasciculate, 0-1 septate, short subulate, obclavate, or cylindric. Conidiogenous cells mono- to polyphialidic.Conidia hyaline to olivaceous, sinuous, or curved, gradually tapering towards rounded ends or wider below and tapering gradually upwards, 0-10 septate. Microconidia hyaline to light olivaceous, ovoid, guttulate (adapted from Zalasky 1968).
Type species: Rhytidiella moriformis Zalasky
Notes: Rhytidiella is characterised by erumpent, superficial, hemispherical perithecia, cylindric to clavate asci and scolecosporous, hyaline to yellow-brown, septate ascospores. Rhytidiella produces both sexual and asexual states in nature and Phaeoseptoria conidia and microconidia in culture. Barr (1987) tentatively accommodated Rhytidiella to Cucurbitariaceae based on morphology. Doilom et al. (2013) accepted Rhytidiella as a member in Cucurbitariaceae but molecular data is lacking for the genus.
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