Pleosporales » Cucurbitariaceae


Parafenestella Jaklitsch & Voglmayr, in Jaklitsch et al., Stud. Mycol. 90: 108 (2017).

Index Fungorum number: IF 823014; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08186, 15 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 15 species with molecular data.

Saprobic on host. Sexual morph: Ascomata scattered or variably aggregated below the host epidermis becoming visible in bark fissures, subglobose, globose to pyriform, sometimes collapsing-discoid upon drying when immature or becoming vertically pinched, black, often apically white inside, usually surrounded by subicular hyphae. Apical papilla black, rounded or oblong in section, often flattened. Peridium pseudoparenchymatous. Hamathecium consisting of numerous branched and anastomosing paraphyses. Asci cylindrical, bitunicate, fissitunicate, thick-walled, with an ocular chamber, a short stipe and simple or knob-like base, containing 6–8 ascospores in (obliquely overlapping) uniseriate arrangement. Ascospores ellipsoid with upper part slightly wider, with often subacute and lighter ends, several transverse and longitudinal septa, constricted at the median primary septum, hyaline to pale or yellowish brown when young, turning greyish brown and finally dark to blackish brown at maturity, smooth. Asexual morph in culture: Pycnidia more or less globose, olivaceous, green to black; surface often roughened by hyphal appendages. Peridium pseudoparenchymatous. Phialides formed on hyaline base cells or apically on short simple or basally branched conidiophores, lageniform to cylindrical or subglobose. Conidia 1-celled, oblong or allantoid, sometimes attenuated towards one end or pinched, hyaline, guttulate, smooth (adapted from Jaklitsch et al. 2018).

 Type species: Parafenestella pseudoplatani Jaklitsch & Voglmayr

Notes: Parafenestella is characterised by subglobose, globose to pyriform ascomata, cylindrical, bitunicate, fissitunicate asci and hyaline to pale or yellowish brown ascospores. The asexual morph is characterised by more or less globose, olivaceous, green to black pycnidia, pseudoparenchymatous peridium, lageniform to cylindrical or subglobose phialides and 1-celled, oblong or allantoid conidia. Parafenestella differs from Fenestella in lacking a well-defined pseudostromata and hyaline to pale or yellowish brown ascospores while Fenestella has brown to dark brown or reddish brown ascospores. Parafenestella is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct genus in Cucurbitariaceae. Molecular markers available for Parafenestella include LSU, SSU, ITS, BTUB, RPB2 and TEF-1.


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