Pleosporales » Coniothyriaceae » Ochrocladosporium

Ochrocladosporium elatum

Ochrocladosporium elatum (Harz) Crous & U. Braun, in Crous et al., Stud. Mycol. 58: 46 (2007).

Hormodendrum elatum Harz, Bull. Soc. Imp. nat. Moscou 44(1): 140 (1871).

Index Fungorum number: IF 504438; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11472, Fig. 1

Description: see Crous et al. (2007).

Material examined:  see Crous et al. (2007).

Fig. 1 Ochrocladosporium elatum (CBS 1433; re-drawn from Crous and Braun 2007). a–c Macro- and microconidiophore. d, e Ramoconidia and conidia. Scale bars: a–e = 10 μm.

Importance and distribution

Ochrocladosporium comprises three species. Ochrocladosporium adansoniae was reported on stems of Adansonia digitate (Malvaceae) in South Africa, O. elatum was isolated from wood pulp in Europe (Sweden) and O. frigidarii was isolated from a cooled room in Europe (Germany). Some species are also pathogenic, the cause of opportunistic mycoses and phaeoid agents of fungal melanonychia (Otasevic and Natasa 2007).


Industrial relevance and applications

Ochrocladosporium has the ability to cause discoloration of wood pulp (Melin and nannfeldt 1934).



Crous PW, Braun U, Schubert K, Groenewald JZ. 2007 – Delimiting Cladosporium from morphologically similar genera. Studies in Mycology 58, 33–56.

Melin JBE, Nannfeldt JA. 1934 – Researches into the blueing of ground wood-pulp. Svenska Skogsvårdsföreningens Tidskrift 32, 397–616.

Otasevic S, Natasa MT. 2007 – Cladosporium spp. cause of opportunistic mycoses. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis 24.



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