Parmulariales » Parmulariaceae


Polycyclina Theiss. & Syd., Annls mycol. 13(3/4): 212 (1915).

 Index Fungorum number: IF 4310; Facesoffungi number: FoF 02325, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), no molecular data available.

Saprobic on leaves. Sexual morph: Colonies foliicolous, superficial to erumpent, dark brown to black, carbonaceous, usually occur at the edge of the leaves. Ascostromata solitary to gregarious, or in groups, superficial to immersed, roundish, with a circular, shield-like, dome-like, flattened, multilocular, brown to black, lacking a distinct central ostiole. Locules immersed in ascostromata or in longitudinal ridges radiating from the centre. Upper wall comprising radiating parallel cells, cells at margin branching; in section. Peridium composed of pale to dark brown cells of textura globulosa. Hamathecium comprising scarce cellular pseudoparaphyses. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, long ovate, broad cylindrical, broad-clavate, or obclavate, globose to subglobose, short pedicellate, with an indistinct ocular chamber. Ascospores 2– multi-seriate, hyaline oblong to ellipsoid, ellipsoid to ovate, ends rounded, aseptate, wall smooth to verrucose. Asexual morph: Unknown.

Type species: Polycyclina rhytismoides (Speg.) Theiss. & Syd.

Notes: Polycyclina is characterised by solitary to gregarious ascostromata, bitunicate, fissitunicate, long ovate, broad cylindrical, broad-clavate, or obclavate, globose to subglobose, short pedicellate asci and hyaline oblong to ellipsoid, aseptate ascospores. Polycyclina is a distinct genus in Parmulariaceae, but this taxonomic placement must be confirmed with molecular data. A specimen from CUP (CUP-VZ-003029) is illustrated herein.


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