Quasiconcha M.E. Barr & M. Blackw., Mycologia 72(6): 1224 (1981) [1980].
Index Fungorum number: IF 4631; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08107, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.
Saprobic on undigested seeds excreted in dung. Sexual morph: Ascomata superficial, carbonaceous, shiny, rough-walled, brittle, thin, bivalve shell-shaped, standing upright, elongated opening at apex, dark to reddish brown. Pseudoparaphyses not seen. Asci 8-spored, overlapping bitunicate, cylindrical and thin-walled at maturity with pedicel. Ascospores symmetric, septate, slightly constricted at the septum, broadly ellipsoid, with coarsely reticulate wall. Asexual morph: Chalara-like (adapted from Doilom et al. 2018).
Type species: Quasiconcha reticulata M.E. Barr & M. Blackw.
Notes: Quasiconcha is characterised by superficial, shining black, conchate ascomata, bitunicate, numerous cylindrical asci, and brown, broadly ellipsoid, symmetric, one septate ascospores. Blackwell and Gilberston (1985) reported Q. reticulata in Arizona fruiting on underground roots of a dead Aleppo pine (Pinus halapensis) infected with pine wood nematode and on roots of a dead arbor vitae (Thuja occidentalis.). Quasiconcha is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct genus in Mytilinidiaceae. Only LSU sequence data is available for a strain of Q. reticulata (EB QR).
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