Mycosphaerellales » Mycosphaerellaceae


Utrechtiana Crous & Quaedvl., in Crous et al., Persoonia 26: 153 (2011).

Index Fungorum number: IF 560179; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08669, 3 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 3 species with molecular data.

Hyphomycetous, associated with leaf spots. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Mycelium internal, consisting of septate, smooth, hyaline, branched hyphae. Conidiophores solitary, erect, bursting through epidermis, with circular scar where base of conidiophore is attached to immersed hyphal network. Conidiophores dark brown, erect, base subglobose, giving rise to a subcylindrical, brown conidiogenous cell that ends in a clavate, bluntly rounded apex, with truncate, flattened scar; sometimes thickened, not darkened, nor refractive. Conidia solitary, pale brown, ellipsoid, guttulate to granular, smooth to finely verruculose, uniseptate slightly above the conidial median, thin-walled, apex bluntly to acutely rounded, base obtusely rounded with a flattened, darkened and thickened hilum that has a central pore (adapted from Crous et al. 2011 and Videira et al. 2017).


Type species: Utrechtiana cibiessia Crous & Quaedvl.


Notes: Utrechtiana is characterised by solitary, erect conidiophores, and solitary, pale brown, ellipsoid, smooth to finely verruculose,uniseptate conidia. Seifert et al. (2011) considered Utrechtiana as a synonym of Deightoniella based on morphology. Klaubauf et al. (2014) demonstrated that Deightoniella belong to Pyriculariaceae which contains several cryptic taxa on Poaceae. Crous et al. (2013b) reported that D. torulosa which is pathogenic on Musa belongs to Corynespora. Deightoniella is hence distinct from Utrechtiana which lacks torsive to flexuous conidiophores, with percurrent renewal and conspicuous conidiophore swellings (Crous et al. 2013b). Utrechtiana also differs from Deightoniella in having very pale brown, smooth to finely roughened, conspicuous thickened, darkened scars conidia while in Deightoniella they are medium brown, verruculose, and obpyriform with projecting apical narrowing. Videira et al. (2017) clarified that the type species of Deightoniella, D. africana is a generic complex in Pyriculariaceae and provided an emended description of Utrechtiana. The placement of Utrechtiana in Mycosphaerellaceae is doubtful. More collections with DNA sequence data are needed to confirm the generic placement of Utrechtiana and its relationship with Deightoniella. Molecular markers available for Utrechtiana are ITS, LSU, Actin, Calmodulin and RPB2.


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