Rosenscheldiella Theiss. & Syd., Annls mycol. 13(5/6): 645 (1915).
Index Fungorum number: IF 4788; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08653, 19 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 2 species with molecular data.
Associated with leaf spot. Sexual morph: Ascomata globose, dark-walled. Pseudothecia develop on stromatic pads of globose cells with thick, dark walls that form amongst thick-walled, multi-lobed hairs on lower surface of leaves. Hamathecium lacking pseudoparaphyses. Asci fissitunicate, cylindrical, 8-spored. Ascospores cylindrical, tapering slightly to rounded ends, 1 median septum, slightly constricted at septum, hyaline. Asexual morph: Unknown (adapted from Sultan et al., 2011; Videira et al., 2017).
Type species: Rosenscheldiella styracis (Henn.) Theiss. & Syd.
Notes: Rosenscheldiella is characterised by globose, dark-walled ascomata, cylindrical, 8-spored asci and cylindrical, 1-median septate, hyaline ascospores. Rosenscheldiella styracis is only known from its sexual morph. In the phylogenetic analysis of Sultan et al. (2011) based on LSU and ITS sequence data, R. brachyglottidis and R. korthalsellae formed a distinct lineage in Mycosphaerellaceae but are closely related to Pseudocercospora and Amycosphaerella, respectively. The placement of Rosenscheldiella in Mycosphaerellaceae is doubtful. Molecular markers available for Rosenscheldiella include R. korthalsellae (ITS, LSU) and R. brachyglottidis (LSU, ITS).
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