Polysporella woronowii
Polysporella woronowii Woron., Izv. Kavkaz. Muz. 10(1): 7 (1916).
Index Fungorum number: IF 489578; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11290
Description: see Videira et al. (2017).
Material examined: see Videira et al. (2017).
Importance and distribution
Polysporella comprises only one species known on stems of Dianthus crinitus (Caryophyllaceae) in Caucasus.
Lumbsch HT, Huhndorf SM. 2007 – Outline of ascomycota–2007. Myconet 13, 1–58.
Videira SIR, Groenewald JZ, Nakashima C, Braun U, Barreto RW, de Wit PJGM, Crous PW. 2017 – Mycosphaerellaceae - Chaos or clarity? Studies in Mycology 87, 257–421.
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