Mycosphaerellales » Mycosphaerellaceae » Plurivorosphaerella

Plurivorosphaerella nawae

Plurivorosphaerella nawae (Hiura & Ikata) O. Hassan & T. Chang, Pl. Dis. 103(2): 210 (2018).

Mycosphaerella nawae Hiura & Ikata, Research Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Gifu University 5: 1 (1929).

Index Fungorum number: IF 825619; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11202, Fig. 1, 2

Description: see Hassan and Chang (2019).

Material examined: see Hassan and Chang (2019).


Fig. 1 Plurivorosphaerella nawae (sexual morph, redrawn from Fig. 57 in Lee et al. 2016). a Pseudothecium on diseased leaves. b Section through pseudothecium. c Ascus. d Ascospores. Scale bars: b, c = 10 µm, d = 5 µm.