Neocercospora Bakhshi, Arzanlou, Babai-ahari & Crous, in Bakhshi, Arzanlou, Babai-ahari, Groenewald & Crous, Phytotaxa 213: 28 (2015)
Index Fungorum number: IF 823489; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08517, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2021), 1 species with molecular data.
Foliicolous and caulicolous, phytopathogenic. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Mycelium internal. Stromata sub stomatal, weakly to moderately developed, brown. Caespituli amphigenous, punctiform, brown. Conidiophores aggregated in loose to moderately dense fascicles, arising from the upper cells of sub stomatal to intraepidermal brown stromata; conidiophores aseptate, reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells unbranched, pale brown to brown, smooth, subcylindrical to cone-shaped, wider at the base, uni to multilocal, sympodial, sub denticulate; loci conspicuous, thickened, darkened, somewhat refractive, apical or formed on shoulders caused by geniculation. Conidia solitary or catenate, in unbranched chains, hyaline, smooth, guttulate or not, cylindrical, subcylindrical to obclavate-cylindrical, straight to slightly curved, septate; hilum flattened, moderately thickened, darkened and somewhat refractive (adapted from Bakshi et al. 2015).
Type species: Neocercospora ammicola M. Bakhshi, Arzanlou, Babai-ahari & Crous.
Notes: Neocercospora is characterized by an amphigenous, punctiform caespituli, subcylindrical to cone-shaped conidiogenous cells with conspicuous loci and solitary or catenate conidia. Phylogenetically, Neocercospora forms a single lineage in Mycosphaerellaceae and is closely related to Filiella and Neopseudocercosporella with good statistical support. Molecular markers available for Neocercospora are Actin, Histone, ITS, LSU, RPB2 and TEF-1.
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