Lecanostictopsis B. Sutton & Crous, Mycol. Res. 101(2): 215 (1997).
Index Fungorum number: IF 27754; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08622, 4 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.
Mycelium immersed, intercellular, branched, septate, dark to reddish brown. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Conidiomata epidermal to subepidermal, erumpent, eustromatic, acervular to sporodochial, composed of thick-walled, dark to reddish brown textura angularis. Conidiophores dark to reddish brown, coarsely verrucose, cylindrical, unbranched, septate, formed from the upper cells of the conidiomata. Conidiogenous cells integrated, dark to reddish brown, coarsely verrucose to tuberculate, cylindrical, with several percurrent enteroblastic proliferations. Conidia holoblastic, dark to reddish brown, coarsely verrucose to tuberculate, with 0- to several eusepta, straight to curved, obtuse or acute at apex, truncate at base, cylindrical to fusiform. Conidiogenesis a succession of conidia is formed by holoblastic conidial ontogeny, delimitation by a transverse septum, schizolytic secession, replacement wall building apex leading to enteroblastic percurrent conidiogenous cell proliferation followed by holoblastic conidial ontogeny, with successive conidia seceding at progressively higher levels (adapted from Sutton and Crous 1997 and Crous et al. 2019).
Type species: Lecanostictopsis kamatii (Ullasa) B. Sutton & Crous
Notes: Lecanostictopsis is characterised by epidermal to subepidermal, erumpent conidiomata, dark to reddish brown, coarsely verrucose conidiogenous cells and dark to reddish brown, coarsely verrucose to tuberculate conidia. The placement of Lecanostictopsis in Mycosphaerellaceae is doubtful. More taxa with DNA sequence data are needed to confirm the systematic position of Lecanostictopsis.
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