Mycosphaerellales » Mycosphaerellaceae » Isariopsella

Isariopsella vossiana

Isariopsella vossiana (Thüm.) Höhn., in Weese, Mitt. bot. Inst. tech. Hochsch. Wien 6(2): 68 (1929).

Ramularia vossiana Thüm., Oesterr. bot. Z. 29: 359 (1879).

            Index Fungorum number: IF 281993; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11269, Fig. 1

Description: see Seifert (1985); Videira et al. (2017).

Material examined: see Seifert (1985); Videira et al. (2017).

Fig. 1 Isariopsella vossiana (re-drawn from Ramularia voossiana in Seifert 1985). a Synnemata (arrow show conidiogenous loci). b Conidiogenous cells. c Conidia. Scale bars: A = 20 μm, B = 10 μm.

Importance and distribution

Isariopsella comprises three species pathogenic on Cirsium oleraceum (Asteraceae), Paspalum paniculatum (Poaceae) and Turpinia megaphylla (Staphyleaceae). Isariopsella is reported from Europe (Slovenia) and South America (Ecuador).



Braun U. 1998 – A monograph of Cercosporella, Ramularia and allied genera (phytopathogenic hyphomycetes): Vol. 1. IHW-Verlag, Eching, Munich, Germany.

Seifert KA. 1985 – Notes on several apocryphal genera of synnematal Hyphomycetes.  Transactions of the British Mycological Society 85, 123–133.

Videira SIR, Groenewald JZ, Nakashima C, Braun U, Barreto RW, de Wit PJGM, Crous PW. 2017 – Mycosphaerellaceae - Chaos or clarity? Studies in Mycology 87, 257–421.


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Mushroom Research Foundation


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