Mycosphaerellales » Mycosphaerellaceae


Didymochora Höhn., Hedwigia 60: 172 (1918).

Index Fungorum number: IF 8012; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08602, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), no molecular data available.

Associated with leaf spot. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Stromata small, flat, subcuticular, pseudoparenchymatous, carbonaceous, with a vertically arranged successive structure, with a single locus, cover one-layered, irregularly splitting, basal layer pseudoparenchymatous below and palisade-like above. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cell. Conidia pigmented, 2-celled, solitary, separated from the tips of the internal palisade like cell layer by a horizontal septum (adapted from von Höhnel 1918 and Videira et al. 2017).


Type species: Didymochora betulina Höhn.


Notes: Didymochora is characterised by flat, subcuticular, pseudoparenchymatous stromata, and pigmented, 2-celled, solitary conidia. The placement of Didymochora in Mycosphaerellaceae is doubtful. Fresh collections with DNA sequence data are needed to confirm the taxonomic placement of Didymochora.


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Mushroom Research Foundation


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