Coremiopassalora U. Braun, C. Nakash., Videira & Crous, in Videira et al., Stud. Mycol. 87: 316 (2017).
Index Fungorum number: IF 822585; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08491, 2 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 2 species with molecular data.
Associated with leaf spot. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Mycelium composed of hyaline to pale brown, delicate hyphae, uniform in width, often showing a synnematous or cushion-shaped arrangement. Conidiophores straight to sinuous or geniculate, solitary to tightly fasciculate, sometimes appearing as synnemata, simple. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, polyblastic, proliferating sympodially, conidiogenous loci at the apex and shoulders, protruding and conically truncate, slightly thickened and refractive. Conidia catenate, occurring in unbranched or branched chains, hyaline, cylindrical, sometimes obclavate, obconically truncate at both ends, 0–1-septate, sometimes constricted at the centre, hila thickened but not darkened (adapted from Videira et al. 2017).
Type species: Coremiopassalora eucalypti (Crous & Alfenas) U. Braun, C. Nakash., Videira & Crous
Notes: Coremiopassalora is characterised by hyaline to pale brown mycelium, straight to sinuous conidiophores, integrated, terminal, polyblastic conidiogeneous cells, and catenate obclavate conidia. Coremiopassalora differs from Passalora in having synnematous conidiophores and catenate, hyaline to pale olivaceous conidia with distinct, slightly thickened and not darkened loci. Coremiopassalora comprises two species that can be characterised as Passalora s. lat. but are not congeneric with the type Passalora bacilligera. Coremiopassalora is a distinct and well-supported genus in Mycosphaerellaceae. Molecular markers available for Coremiopassalora are ITS, LSU, SSU, Actin, Btub, Calmodulin, RPB2 and TEF-1.
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