Mycosphaerellales » Mycosphaerellaceae


Cladosporiella Deighton, in Deighton & Pirozynski, Mycol. Pap. 101: 34 (1965).

Index Fungorum number: IF 7680; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08594, 5 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), no molecular data available.

Mycelium loosely floccose, pale greyish, growing over the leaf surface among conidiophores of the host fungus. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Mycelial hyphae very pale olivaceous, smooth, very thin-walled, distinctly septate, distantly branched. Some hyphae become tightly coiled around the conidiophores of the host fungus and sometimes around its conidia. Conidiophores pale olivaceous, somewhat deeper in color than the mycelial hyphae, smooth, very thin-walled, simple, straight, arising as lateral distant branches from the mycelial hyphae, occasionally from the hyphae coiled round the conidiophores of the host fungus, usually (but not always in young conidiophores) with a basal septum. Conidial scars distinctly thickened, slightly prominent, the old scars often situated at the end of short pegs or on shoulders grouped around the apex of the conidiophores. Occasionally a small group of old conidial scars can be seen half way down the length of the conidiophore above which the conidiophore has continued growth and produced a further group of conidial scars around the apex. Conidia very pale olivaceous, smooth, very thin-walled, filiform, sub-cylindrical or very slightly obclavate, the basal cell somewhat wider in the longer conidia and sometimes swollen, straight or slightly curved, catenate producing branched chains, shortly tapered at each end to the truncate thickened hilum, the terminal conidia obtuse at the apex Some longer conidia may produce as lateral branches, both conidiophores and hyphae which themselves bear conidiophores (adapted from Deighton and Pirozynski 1965).


Type species: Cladosporiella cercosporicola Deighton


Notes: Cladosporiella was introduced by Deighton (1965) with C. cercosporicola as type species. Cladosporiella is characterised by pale olivaceous mycelial hyphae, simple, straight conidiophores, distinctly thickened conidial scars, filiform, sub-cylindrical or very slightly obclavate conidia. Videira et al. (2017) maintained Cladosporiella in Mycosphaerellaceae as a distinct genus based on its hyper parasitic lifestyle. The placement of Cladosporiella in Mycosphaerellaceae is doubtful. Fresh collection as well as molecular data are needed to confirm the correct taxonomic position of Cladosporiella.


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