Heleiosa Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm. & O.E. Erikss., Can J Bot 74: 1830 (1996).
Index Fungorum number: IF 27767; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08076, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.
Saprobic on host. Sexual morph: Ascomata subglobose or basally flattened, immersed, ostiolate, epapillate, clypeate, coriaceous, hyaline to brown, mostly single. Neck absent; ostiolar canal with periphyses in a gelatinous matrix. Peridium thin, cells forming a textura angularis; light colored, except for a brown zone around the base and top of the ostiolar canal. Hamathecium composed of branched and anastomosing pseudo paraphyses in a gelatinous matrix, extending above the asci. Asci cylindrical, short pedunculate, bitunicate, with a cap like apical apparatus, non-amyloid. Ascospores uni- to bi-seriate, ellipsoid to fusifom, one-septate, brown, with numerous cilia-like subapical appendages at each end. Asexual morph: Unknown (adapted from Kohlmeyer et al. 1996).
Type species: Heleiosa barbatula Kohlm. Volkm. -Kohlm. & O.E. Erikss.
Notes: Heleiosa was introduced by Kohlmeyer et al. (1996) with H. barbatula as type species. Heleiosa is characterised by subglobose or basally flattened ascomata, cylindrical, short pedunculated asci and ellipsoid to fusifom, one-septate, brown ascospores. Heleiosa resembles Appendispora in ascospores characters but other morphological characters are significantly different. Heleiosa is a distinct genus in Eriomycetaceae. Molecular markers available for Heleiosa are LSU and SSU.
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