Macrovalsariaceae D. Pem, Doilom & K.D Hyde
Index Fungorum number: IF557067; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06682
Saprobic on dead twigs, wood, bamboo and culms of a wide range of hosts. Sexual morph: Ascostromata dark brown to black, immersed to erumpent, solitary to a few in a group, carbonaceous, oblate, sphaeroid to subsphaerical, with a central ostiole. Peridium comprising brown and small-celled textura angularis. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindro-clavate, with a short fine pedicel, apically rounded with a small ocular chamber. Paraphyses unbranched, tapering upwards, apically free. Ascospores uniseriate to irregularly uniseriate, 1– septate, brown, elliptical-fusoid, slightly constricted at septum, with skull cap-like germ apparatus at the lower end, transverse striation near the center of lower cell with longitudinal striations from transverse striation to the end cell surface smooth, granular to verrucose. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Family type – Macrovalsaria Petr.
Notes – The family Macrovalsariaceae was introduced to accommodate the monotypic genus Macrovalsaria typified by M. leonensis. Macrovalsariaceae has dark brown to black ascostromata, cylindro-clavate asci, with a short fine pedicel and elliptical to fusoid ascospores with skull cap-like germ apparatus. Phylogenetically, Macrovalsaria clustered in a strongly supported clade among the families in the order Pleosporales. The family Macrovalsariaceae shares some similar characters of ascostromata and asci with Valsariaceae. However, Macrovalsariaceae differs from Valsariaceae by its ascospores features.
Reference: Pem et al. 2020
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