Dothideomycetes » Dubujianaceae » Dubujiana

Dubujiana glandulifera

Dubujiana glandulifera D.R. Reynolds & G.S. Gilbert, Aust. Syst. Bot. 18(3): 282 (2005)                              Fig. 1

Index Fungorum number: IF344434; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06238

Endophytic, pathogenic or saprobic on leaves. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Mycelium at first subcuticular, developing onto leaf surface from leaf glands forming scattered to sporadically confluent superficial thalli, circular in outline, composed of a basal layer of flattened, parallel, branching, brown hyphae. Pycnidium 181–290 µm × 195–270 µm (x̅ = 225.1 × 250.1 µm, n = 10), individual, non-hyphopodiate hyphal strands radiating from base of central, raised over the basal layer and onto the substrate. Conidiomata wall 12–27 µm composed of thick dark-brown walled cells of textura globulosa. Conidiophores densely aggregated, slender, subulate, simple, frequently branched above, reduced to conidiogenous cells, or with 1–2 supporting cells. Conidiogenous cells annellidic, simple, tapering, hyaline, smooth, rarely with percurrent proliferation. Conidia 5–9 µm × 2–3 µm (x̅ = 7.6 × 2.7 µm, n = 10), ellipsoidal, fusiform to lunate, aseptate, hyaline becoming pale brown at maturity, smooth, 1- septate, punctate, non-constricted, smooth-walled.

Material examined – AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cape Tribulation Coastal Boardwalk Dubuji, 145o28’ E, 16 o4’S., on leaves, 2 February 2002, Don R. Reynolds (UC AUS399, holotype).

Economic significance –Species of the genus Dubujiana are epifoliar fungi and maintain a commensal relationship with the host (Reynolds & Gilbert 2005). They may interrupt light or act synergistically or antagonistically with pathogens and effect on disease development (Dasari 2012).



Figure 1 Dubujiana glandulifera (UC AUS399, holotype). a Details of herbarium material. b, c Habit and appearance of conidiomata on host surface. d Squash mount of conidioma. e Dual hyphal system showing small pycnidia in the outer portions with inidividual hyphal strands extending from a large central pycnidium. f Section of conidioma g, h Conidiogenesis. i–l Conidia. Scale bars: b = 2 mm, c = 1 mm, d, e = 20 µm, f = 40 µm, g = 100 µm, h = 10 µm, i–l = 5 µm.




Dasari 2012 – The Biology, Development, and Host Distribution of Epifoliar Fungi in the Mangrove Ferns (Acrostichum aureum) of Mo’orea, French Polynesia. Available 

Reynolds DR, Gilbert GS. 2005 – Epifoliar fungi from Queensland, Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 18, 265–289.



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